Who We Are – Meet the Family

Welcome to Family With Books!

Here you will find book reviews for all age groups and genres! My name is Kourtney, and I hope you join me as we talk about books, from bestsellers to the hardly-sold, from yet-to-be released to the classics, and from picture books to young adult and beyond.

Reading has always been an activity both my husband and I have loved from a young age. Now with a son and daughter of our own, we are enjoying the books we read as kids all over again! Reading together as a family is something we try to do every night. Our little family with books was born!

Previously we posted our top 5 favorite books, as a way to get to know us. Now? Let’s take a look at our favorite book we read in 2020!

  • Me (Mom): I got lucky, and quite a few of my 2020 reads were 5 stars! It’s tough to choose just one, but if I had to, I would say Beach Read would be my pick!
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  • My husband (Dad): “I read parts of 3 different books. Does that count?” I noticed he has fallen away from reading and watches more TV now. Whatever gets us through the year, we’ll take it!
  • My daughter (5 yo): While hiding away at home, she took a Zoom gymnastics class. Her skills are excelling for floor and beam, so this book was read a LOT this year.
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  • My son (2 yo): Immediately, he yelled out “THOMAS!” I thought he was just shouting at the TV, as he was watching Thomas the Tank Engine, but he then says “No! Good book! Thomas!” So Thomas it is!
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And that is our little Family With Books!

Updated 12/30/2020