Book Reviews, Picture Books

Did You Know That Geckos Don’t Blink?

It’s not often that children’s picture books teaches me information I hadn’t known. The Awesome Animals series seems to have changed this! We tried both Geckos Don’t Blink and Cows Have No Top Teeth by Kelly Tills.

We started with Geckos Don’t Blink, which discussed different animals and how their eyes work. I was unaware of most of these, and had a great talk with my kids on why they blink. My kids then decided to act the book out, and I was able to watch them excessively blink for about 30 min, and try to lick their own eye. I wish I took pictures!

Next, we read Cows Have No Top Teeth – again, information I did not know! This one talked about how cows eat, including their love of chewing and how their tummies work. Talks with my kids? Loose wiggly teeth and what if they have to eat with no teeth (go get some grass!), running around the room screaming ewwww about the cows bellies, and I had to stop my son from trying to eat his sisters stuffed toys.

These are books 3 and 4 in a series, and are available on November 2nd!

Thank you to the publisher for allowing an advanced copy for review!

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