Book Challenge

Book 1 of 100 Classic Books – Goodnight Moon

Book 1 of my challenge has been completed! I decided to start with the only picture book on the list – Goodnight Moon.

I read the book last night to my kids. And…well…it’s a book. My kids said good night to the moon, their feet and their butt. I asked if they liked the story, and they said “sure – but can you read this?” They both chose a different story.

Knowing my kids like I do, I can tell they weren’t over the moon about the story (see what I did there?) Had they loved it, they would have made me read it about 100 more times before they went to sleep. They would ask me the next morning if we could read it that night before bed.

I don’t see the appeal of this book as there was nothing amazing or outstanding that made this book stick out from the rest. It rhymed. It had simple illustrations that weren’t too overwhelming for the kids. It had a mouse you could search for and find on each page.

I think a lot of the hype over this book is the nostalgia aspect. When you have something when you were young, it’s always exciting to share it with your littles. I didn’t have this book read to me and I did not have this for my kids until this challenge.

Not a strong start to my challenge, but I’m going to be reading Judy Blume next, so things are looking up!