Book Challenge, Book Reviews, Middle Grade

Book 2 of 100 Classic Books – Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret

Book 2/100 is complete!

I grew up reading Judy Blume. Blubber. Iggie’s House. Super Fudge. Sally J. Friedman. And I remember reading “Are You There God? It’s Me, Margaret.”

From what I remembered, Margaret would privately talk to God, and would hope for her body to begin to develop like the girls around her. While that was the main point of the story, I forgot about the subplot, which is surprising given it’s in the title of the book. Margaret’s parents are different religions, and her grandparents both want her to proclaim their religion as her own. She begins a school project to investigate religion and figure out what religion she would like to be.

Re-reading the book brought me back to the days where life felt simple. There was no social media, kids still played outside until dark, parents let kids go to other houses without knowing their parents. But even though we live in different times, the story stays the same. Girls wanting to grow up before their bodies are ready. Some girls develop early. Others get jealous and start rumors. Lying about yourself to keep up with everyone around you. Crushes. First dances. First kisses. Toxic friendships. Do kids even play spin the bottle anymore? I’m afraid to ask.

It’s surprising that one small book can pack in so much! Will I let my daughter read this? Absolutely – some things never change. Will I let my son? If he wants to.

This is definitely a classic read. Stands the test of time and is relatable. Love it!

Now what to read for book 3…